
Because our company values customer satisfaction, we work towards solving queries and offering value-added solutions to our buyers. Delivering high-quality products to our buyer is not an easy feat! Superior quality products demand time, efficiency, and frequent testing to improve the said product. And therefore, our organization follows something known as TQM or Total quality management. TQM is a continuous process. Herein one can detect, diminish, or even eliminate the occurrence of errors. Ordinarily, in a factory environment, there are several departments, – including the manufacturing unit, testing, SCM, or supply chain management. TQM is a process that seeks to improve the customer’s experience by various methods, while also keeping the company employees up to speed with regards to the latest developments in the market. One such practice is testing and quality control.

Testing is an aspect of manufacture. Not only does it detect flaws, but it also accounts for improvisations in products. Constant quality checks across different manufacturing departments permit for zero-defect products to reach the buyer, thereby aiding in customer satisfaction.

Superior quality products guarantee traceability, with a smooth surface as well as high performance.



At OMS HYDRAULICS, our factory has provisions for in-house testing to be carried out on samples. Our well-trained staff regularly perform various tests on calibrated equipment, including a Hydro Static Proof Pressure Test,   Burst Pressure Test, Pneumatic Proof Pressure Test, Pressure Impulse, and Vibration Test, Temperature Cycling Test, as well as Helium leak Test.

Hydro Static Proof Pressure Test The performance of this particular test is to check the strength of the components while detecting leaks. This test ensures that the product can both meet and maintain safety requirements and durability over some time.
Burst Pressure Test – A destructive test, it aids in determining the absolute maximum pressure at which the product will fail after the application of pressure under controlled situations.
Pneumatic Proof Pressure Test This is a test used in components involving the oil and gas industry. Well suited for low pressure and low volume applications, it is practiced instead of Hydrostatic test, by using either air or inert gas. Typically a medium like nitrogen could be used to apply pressure on the system to about 110% of its intended pressure limit.
Pressure Impulse test Other names for this test include Impulse Pressure Testing or an impulse test. The purpose of performing this test is to determine the pressure fatigue endurance of a component. This test aids the engineer to reexamine the scheme of the product and calculate the concepts of the FEA simulations.
Vibration Test Durability is a trait all businesses covet. Yet, this is a quality not easily achieved. However, it is relatively easy to check by performing this test. This test is particularly important during the product development cycle, as it determines the success or failure of a product.
Temperature Cycling Test A mismatch of thermal materials could be detrimental to applications as it can cause failures. Prevention is possible by performing a Temperature Cycling or a Thermal Cycle test. This test aids the engineer to understand the resistance of the material while exposing the said component to alternating extremes of high and low temperatures.
Helium leak Test A problem that occurs in piping systems is leaking. Achieving leak-free components is difficult, and therefore, manufacturers often check these components by passing Helium gas as a tracer through the product.  This gas aids the tester to detect leaks in smaller or larger volumes. The concentration of helium gas passed through is to be measured.